The Importance of Lupus Lab Work


Welcome to the #LupusChat recap! In this talk, we discussed the importance of lab work for Lupus patients and why certain markers are necessary to diagnose Lupus, monitor disease, and ensure that treatment is working.

We went over some #LupusChat guidelines to help our conversation flow smoothly, then got our #LupusChat party started by sharing our name, where we are from, a little bit about ourselves, and what our favorite cartoon is. Here is a recap of our conversation and here are just a few of the wonderful people who joined us at #LupusChat.

Then we began with question 1.

Q1: What is the role of lab tests in monitoring Lupus?

Q1: What is the role of lab tests in monitoring Lupus?

Once we discussed the importance of lab tests, we then explored what some of our most prominent lab tests do.

Q2: Can one test alone diagnose Lupus? What tests are used?

Q2: Can one test alone diagnose Lupus? What tests are used?

Our tests are utilized to detect specific activity along varying points in our journey. For Question 3 we delved deeper into certain tests and their uses.

Q3: Why do doctors check urine? What does it help detect?

Q3: Why do doctors check urine? What does it help detect?

The timing of each test is very important. For question 4 we explored how the timing of our lab work is important for monitoring our disease activity.

Q4: Why is it helpful to get lab work done prior to our appointments?

Q4: Why is it helpful to get lab work done prior to our appointments?

For Question 5, we explored how testing organs directly can be helpful when monitoring Lupus activity.

Q5: How are biopsies (ex: skin, kidney, etc) used in diagnosing and monitoring Lupus?

Q5: How are biopsies (ex: skin, kidney, etc) used in diagnosing and monitoring Lupus?

Finally came our final question, where we discussed a very important test in disease diagnosis.

Q6: What is an ANA test and what can it indicate?

Q6: What is an ANA test and what can it indicate?

Q6: What is an ANA test and what can it indicate?